The exercise sheet will be uploaded to this site weekly, to be worked on until the following discussion group when we discuss your attempts at the exercises. Details will be given in the lecture. In order to gain points for the exercises, you must attend the corresponding discussion group. If you are unable to attend but nevertheless wish to claim points, you must contact David in advance of the meeting of the respective discussion class (e.g. by email).
In order to gain credit for the module, you must pass an oral exam. In order to take the exam, you must meet the qualification criteria below.
[Um die Leistungspunkte für das Modul zu erhalten, müssen Sie eine mündliche Prüfung bestehen.
Um an der Klausur/Prüfung teilnehmen zu können, müssen Sie die Zulassung erhalten.]
Qualification Criteria [Zulassungsvoraussetzung] :
40% of the points from exercise sheets (obtained by presenting solutions in the discussion group).
[40% der Übungsblätter-Punkte.]