Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie

Wintersemester 2019/2020: Intersection Theory

Organised by I. Halupczok, B. Klopsch, S. Schröer and M. Zibrowius.

All talks take place Fridays at 12:30 in


The aim of the seminar is to complement Jens Hornbostel's GRK lectures on Chow rings (and other topics) with concrete calculations and applications. As such, all talks will concentrate on examples rather than general theory.

→ detailed programme


[EH16] Eisenbud & Harris: 3264 and All That.


11.10.1. Bézout's Theorem and the Circles of Appollonius
    (Marcus Zibrowius)
18.10.2. Dual varieties and plane counting
    (Herman Rohrbach)
25.10.3. The class of a graph and triples of polynomials
    (Johannes Fischer)
01.11.— Seminational holiday —
08.11.NRW Topology Meeting
15.11.4. Introduction to Grassmannians
    (Moritz Petschick)
22.11.5. The Chow ring of the Grassmannian of lines in three-space
    (David Bradley-Williams)
29.11.6. Lines meeting things
    (Leif Zimmermann)
06.12.7. Schubert cells
    (Benjamin Klopsch)
13.12.8. The Chow ring of Grassmannians
    (Immi Halupczok)
20.12.9. The degree of a surface swept out by a twisted cubic
    (Heng Xie)
— Christmas —
10.01.10. Fano schemes and the existence of lines in a cubic surface
    (Thuong Dang)
17.01.11. Tangent spaces to Fano schemes
    (Jakob Bergqvist)
24.01.12. The exact number of lines in a cubic surface
    (Heng Xie)
31.01.— Programme discussion —

Website edited by M. Zibrowius (2019)
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