Tue, 14:15-15:45, Room
During the week starting at the 8th of November, the Oberseminar Model Theory will not take place on Tuesday. Instead, we decided to meet on Thursday, 11th of November, at 10:30. For that we booked the room (same place as the usual room, but two floors underneath it).
During the week starting at the 6th of December, the Oberseminar Model Theory will not take place on Tuesday. Instead, we decided to meet on Friday, 10th of December, at 10:30. For that we booked the room (same place as the usual room, but one floor underneath it).
Each lecture will be given by a lecturer except for Lectures 2-4, in which we will work together through a list of exercises in order to get our hands into some basic concepts of algebraic geometry. The idea for those lectures is that each person tries to prepare in advance the definitions of the main concepts needed for that lecture, and we work out together exercises and potential questions about the definitions.
Here is the detailed program of the seminar: PROGRAM
- 12.10.: No seminar
- 19.10.: Immi Halupczok: Overview and motivation
- 26.10.: (no lecturer): Sheaves and locally ringed spaces
- 02.11.: (no lecturer): Schemes and morphisms
- 09.11.:(no lecturer): More on morphisms
- 16.11.: Thor Wittich: Systems of topologies
- 23.11.: Peter Arndt: Étale open topology
- 30.11.: Florian Felix: Algebra vs topology
- 07.12.: Nadja Valentin: Stability theory
- 11.01.: Hamed Khalilian: Stable groups I
- 18.01.: Hamed Khalilian: Stable groups II
- 25.01.: David Bradley-Williams.: Putting everything together + final comments