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Einführung in die Algebraische Geometrie WiSe 2020/21

Mathematisches Institut
40204 Düsseldorf, Allemagne


Email : bruno.laurentAThhu.de

Main page - Page principale

The lecture is given by Pr. Dr. Stefan Schröer. His webpage for the lecture is HERE.

Organization of the exercise sessions

The exercise sessions are given by me and Dr. Daniel Harrer, as online Cisco-Webex visioconferences. The session "Übungsgruppe 1" takes place in presence on Tuesdays 10:30 - 12:00 in the lecture hall 5A. The session "Übungsgruppe 2" takes place on Tuesdays 18:30 - 20:00. You can attend either of the sessions, or both if you want. We plan to alternate the sessions according to the following table (with language indicated):

Date Übungsgruppe 1 Übungsgruppe 2
03.11.2020 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
10.11.2020 Bruno Laurent (English) Daniel Harrer (German)
17.11.2020 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
24.11.2020 Bruno Laurent (English) Daniel Harrer (German)
01.12.2020 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
08.12.2020 Bruno Laurent (English) Daniel Harrer (German)
15.12.2020 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
22.12.2020 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
12.01.2021 Bruno Laurent (English) Daniel Harrer (German)
19.01.2021 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
26.01.2021 Bruno Laurent (English) Daniel Harrer (German)
02.02.2021 Daniel Harrer (German) Bruno Laurent (English)
09.02.2021 (last session) Bruno Laurent (English) Daniel Harrer (German)

Every student who is registered in the lecture on HISLSF should receive an email, containing a link to join the visioconferences ("Meeting beitreten"). The link will also be put on ILIAS.

My advice is to download the Cisco-Webex software on your computer; you can instead use directly your web-browser, but the software tends to be more stable. Using a smartphone with the Cisco-Webex app is probably not a good idea. When clicking the link, you may have choose "Probleme beim Öffnen der Desktop-App? Treten Sie Über Ihren Browser bei." Strictly speaking, you do not need to have a webcam or a microphone to attend the visioconferences. However, it would be better to turn your webcam on.

Office hours (Sprechstunde)

Mondays 10:30 - 11:30 in my office, or on online appointment.

Last update 04.02.2021