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Analysis 1 SoSe 2020

Mathematisches Institut
40204 Düsseldorf, Allemagne


Email : bruno.laurentAThhu.de

Main page - Page principale

The lecture is given by Pr. Dr. Achim Schädle. His webpage for the lecture is HERE.

The present page concerns the group 10 for exercise sessions. The sessions take place on Thursdays 10:30 - 12 and are exclusively in English. At least at the beginning of the semester, we will use the Cisco-Webex visioconference system.

Organization of the exercise sessions

Every student who is registered in the lecture on LSF should receive an invitation, containing a link to join the visioconference ("Meeting beitreten"). You can either download the Cisco-Webex software, or use directly your web-browser. When clicking the link, you may have to click on "Probleme beim Öffnen der Desktop-App? Treten Sie Über Ihren Browser bei." You do not need to have a webcam and a microphone to attend the visioconference. My plan is to use a shared screen, to display the solutions of the exercises. Every student is free to ask for precisions, to suggest different solutions, to make comments, etc.

Office hours (Sprechstunde)

You can use the Rocket.Chat channel https://rocketchat.hhu.de/channel/sprechstunde_bruno_laurent to ask questions at any time. I will be on the chat every Thursday 10:30-11:30 but I also check the messages regularly. You need your usual university login and password to join the chat.