Conference of the GRK2240, funded by the DFG in Düsseldorf, Germany
If you are interested in participating in the summer school, please contact us at by the 19th of August 2022. The official deadline to apply for financial support is over, but feel free to still apply; there might still be money left.
Please provide your affiliation and whether you need some financial support from us for your travel expenses (see Support for further information).
Funds and hotel rooms are limited, so we invite you to register as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate as many people as possible. Be aware that it might be difficult to book a hotel room on your own (especially on short notice), due to a big trade fair taking place simultaneously.
Our sponsors will kindly provide accommodation and travel support for a limited number of PhD students and young researchers.
In order to apply for financial support from us, you are invited to register by the 29th of July 2022, by sending an email to .
Please provide us with:
- your name and affiliation;
- your academic status (e.g. Master/PhD student, postdoc, lecturer, etc);
- your arrival and departure dates;
- whether you want us to support your accommodation, your travel expenses or both.
A decision will be made and communicated by the end of July.
If we support your travel expenses, you will be provided with information on reimbursement details later.