Oberseminar Modelltheorie
The Model Theory Oberseminar will take place on Wednesdays from 14:30 until 16:00 in rooom 25.22.U1.33.
Here is the detailed program of the seminar:
- 06.04.: No seminar
- 13.04.: Fast track to categorical notions (Florian)
- 20.04.: Elementary toposes / Grothendieck toposes (Peter)
- 27.04.: Semantics I (Pablo)
- 04.05.: Semantics II (David)
- 11.05.: Semantics III (Peter)
- 18.05.: Sequents, sintactic cateories and completness I (Hamed)
- 25.05.: Sequents, sintactic cateories and completness II (Immi)
- 01.06.: Classifying toposes I (Thor)
- 08.06.: Classifying toposes II (Peter)
- 15.05.: Applications: Deligne theorem and classical completeness (Nadja)
- 22.06.: Topos-theoretic spectra I (Peter)
- 29.06.: Topos-theoretic spectra II (Peter)