We meet on Tuesdays 10:30 - 12:00 in room 25.22. 01.81.
For details see schedule below.
Various topics in group theory and model theory are discussed in two short series of talks.
Topic 1:
(24.7. - 7.8.)
The Use of Ultraproducts in Commutative Algebra (book by H. Schoutens;
online access)
Topic 2:
(14.8. - 28.8.)
Introduction to Zeta Functions of Groups and Dynamical Systems
(various references, see programme)
Ultraproducts (programme)
- 24.7.: Bounds in the theory of polynomial rings over fields (Immi)
- 31.7.: Application of ultraproducts in strong Artin approximation (Hamed)
- 07.8., 14:30: Cataproducts (Florian)
Zeta Functions (programme)
- 14.8.: Reidemeister zeta functions of groups (Karthika)
- 21.8.: Nielsen Fixed Point Theory (Moritz)
- 28.8.: Infra-Nilmanifolds (Benjamin)