Oleg Bogopolski
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a) Organisation von Konferenzen
b) Plenare und 1-stündige Vorträge an Konferenzen von 2001 bis dato
c) Sektionsvorträge an Konferenzen
d) Frühere Konferenzen

a) Organisation von Konferenzen

  • Organisation der GAGTA-Konferenzen (http://gagta.org/)
  • Hauptorganisator der internationalen Konferenz "Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory with Applications
    GAGTA-6", Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 25. Juli-3. August 2012
    Sponsoren: DFG, Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Mathematisches Institut
    der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
  • Organisator des Minisymposiums im Rahmen der DMV–Jahrestagung 2011 "Geometrische Gruppentheorie",
    Universität Köln, 19.-22. September 2011
  • Mitglied des Scientific Committees der internationalen Konferenz "Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications" (GAGTA-5), Manresa, Barcelona (Spanien), 11.-15. Juli 2011
  • Hauptorganisator des Minisymposiums im Rahmen der DMV–Jahrestagung "Combinatorial and geometric group theory",
    Universität Erlangen, 14.-19. September 2008
  • Hauptorganisator der internationalen Konferenz, "Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory with Applications",
    Technische Universität Dortmund, 27.-31. August 2007
    Sponsoren: DAAD, DFG
  • Coorganisator der Malt'sev-Tagung, Institut für Mathematik der SB RAS, Novosibirsk (Russland), 17.-19. November 1998

Teilnahme an Konferenzen mit Vorträgen

b) Plenare und 1-stündige Vorträge an Konferenzen von 2001 bis dato

  • Gliwice (Poland), September 9-13, 2019, Groups and their actions (http://mat.polsl.pl/groups/)
    Plenary talk: "Equations in acylindrically hyperbolic groups. Algebraic, verbal, and existential closedness
    of subgroups of groups"
  • Seoul (Korea), July 16-20, 2018, Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Application (GAGTA 2018) https://sites.google.com/view/gagta2018/home
    Plenary talk: "Equations in acylindrically hyperbolic groups and verbal closedness"
  • Regensburg (Germany), Sept. 25-29, 2017, Manifolds and Groups
  • Novosibirsk (Russia), November 21-25, 2016, Mal’cev Meeting,
    Plenary talk: "From local to global conjugacy in relatively hyperbolic groups"
  • New York (USA), June 13 – 17, 2016, Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications (GAGTA-10),
    Plenary talk: "From local to global conjugacy in relatively hyperbolic groups"
  • Bedlewo (Poland), June 22-26, 2015, International conference „Groups and their Actions“, http://mat.polsl.pl/groups/
    Main Speaker
  • Bonn (Germany) December 5, 2014, Geometric Group Theory in Bonn
    Plenary talk: An algorithm for finding a basis of the fixed point subgroup of an automorphism of a free group
  • Poznan (Poland), September 17 – 19, 2014, German Mathematical Society (DMV) and Polish Mathematical Society (PTM), (http://dmv.ptm.org.pl (http://dmv.ptm.org.pl/37session.html)
    Talk: "Generalized presentations of groups, in particular of Aut(F )"
  • Newcastle (QL, Australia), July 21 – 25, 2014, Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications (GAGTA-8)
    Plenary talk: Infinite words and generalized presentations of groups versus classical combinatorial group theory
  • New York (USA), May 28th – 31st, 2013, Internationale Konferenz "Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications", (http://www.stevens.edu/algebraic/GAGTA/index.htm)
    Plenary talk: An efficient algorithm for computing a basis of the fixed point subgroup of an automorphism of a free group
  • South Padre Island (USA), March 21st – 24th, 2013, Internationale Konferenz G3 (http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~mineyev/ggg/)
    1. Plenary talk: Introduction to train track
    2. Plenary talk: An efficient algorithm for computing the fixed point subgroup of an automorphism of a free group
  • Barcelona-Bellaterra (CRM) (Spain), November 10th, 2012, Workshop for the International conference on automorphisms
    of free groups
    1-hour talk: A basis of the fixed point subgroup of an automorphism of a free group
  • Düsseldorf (Germany) July 25th – August 3rd, 2012, Internationale Konferenz "Geometric and Combinatorial
    Group Theory with Applications" (GAGTA-6)

    Plenary talk: A basis of the fixed point subgroup of an automorphism of a free group
  • Köln (Germany) September 19th – 22th, 2011, Minisymposium "Geometrische Gruppentheorie" in frames of the
    DMV-Jahrestagung 2011.
    1-hour talk: Generalized presentations of infinite groups, in particular of Aut(Fw)
  • Manresa (Barcelona, Spain), July 11th - 15th, 2011, International conference "Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory"
    Plenary talk: Some new residual properties of groups
  • Omsk (Russia), August 16th - 22nd, 2009, International Workshop “New Algebra-Logical Methods in Solution for Systems
    of Equations in Algebraic Structures”
    1-hour talk: Conjugacy separability for subgroups of virtually free groups

  • Barcelona (Spain), April 24th - 25th, 2009, 4th Barcelona Weekend in Group Theory.
    Invited talk: On endomorphisms of torsion-free hyperbolic groups
  • Alagna Valsesia (Italy), December 14th - 20th, 2008, Makanin-Razborov Workshop
    1-hour talk: On the fundamental and the first homology groups of the Hawaiian Earrings and of Griffiths' space
  • Düsseldorf (Germany), November 26th - 28th, 2008
    Workshop "Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Dynamics Related to the Solvable Radical
    and Representations of Finite Groups"
    1-hour talk: On the fundamental and the first homology groups of the Hawaiian Earrings and of Griffiths' space
  • Erlangen (Germany), September 14th - 19th, 2008, Minisymposium "Combinatorial and geometric group theory"
    in frames of the DMV–Jahrestagung
    1. 1-hour talk: A presentation of a subgroup of Fn × Fn with unsolvable membership problem
    2. 1-hour talk: On the fundamental and the first homology groups of the Hawaiian Earrings and of Griffiths' space
  • Manreza, Barcelona (Spain), August 31th - September 4th, 2006; Geometric and asympthotic group theory with applications

    Plenary talk: On a Magnus property for some one-relator groups
  • Piestany (Slovak), July 16 - 20, 2005, Workshop "Equations in Groups and Applications of Algebraic Methods
    in Computer Science and Cryptology"
    (http://www.geocities.com/slovakia conference/program.htm)
    1-hour talk: Some methods of detecting the hyperbolicity for one relator groups

  • Novosibirsk (Russia), November 17-19, 2003, Mal’cev Meeting 03,
    Plenary talk: On Dehn functions of groups

  • Novosibirsk (Russia), November 21–23, 2001, Mal’tsev Meeting 01, (http://math.nsc.ru/conference/malmeet/01/Prog win.htm)
    Plenary talk: On Magnus’ theorem for fundamental groups of compact surfaces

c) Sektionsvorträge an Konferenzen

  • Tel Aviv, Bar Ilan University (Israel), Mai 26-30, 2019, Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Application (GAGTA 2019)
    Talk: Algebraically and verbally closed subgroups of groups: Equations in acylindrically hyperbolic groups
  • Salzburg (Austria), September 11 – 15, 2017, 19th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting,
    Minisymposion M2 Fractals and Wild Topology
    Talk: The automorphism group of the free group of infinite countable rank. A survey.
  • Poznan (Poland), September 17 – 19, 2014, German Mathematical Society (DMV) and Polish Mathematical Society (PTM), (http://dmv.ptm.org.pl (http://dmv.ptm.org.pl/37session.html)
    Talk: Generalized presentations of groups, in particular of Aut(Fw)
  • Braunschweig (Germany), May 21 – 24, 2013, Workshop "Questions, Algorithms, and Computations in Abstract Group Theory", (http://www.icm.tu-bs.de/ag_algebra/ws-qac/index.php)
    Talk: An efficient algorithm for computing the fixed point subgroup of an automorphism of a free group
  • Braniewo (Poland), July, 24 – 25, 2010, "Weierstraß-Killing-Colloquium".
    Talk: On generalized conjugacy separability in the class of virtually free groups
  • Novosibirsk (Russia), August, 24 – 28, 2009, Mal’tsev Meeting
    Talk: Conjugacy separability for subgroups of virtually free groups

  • Göttingen (Germany), November, 17 – 21, 2008, Summer School 'Geometric inbariants of groups'
    Talk: On the fundamental and the first homology groups of the Hawaiian Earrings and of Griffiths' space
  • Oberwolfach (Germany), June 22 – 28, 2008, Workshop "Profinite and Asymptotic Group Theory"
    Talk: The conjugacy problem for some extensions of groups and a presentation of Mihailova’s subgroup
  • Bendlewo (Poland), July, 1 – 7, 2007, International conference "Groups and their actions"
    Talk: Subgroups of small index in Aut(Fn) and Kazhdan's property (T)
  • Marseille, CIRM (France), Februar, 26 – März 2, 2007, International conference "Groups 007"
    Talk: Subgroups of small index in Aut(Fn) and Kazhdan's property (T)
  • Novosibirsk (Russia), November, 15 – 17, 2005, Maltsev Meeting 05.
    Talk: On the generalized Whitehead problem for hyperbolic groups
  • Barcelona (Spain), Juni 28 – Juli 2, 2005,"Barcelona Conference on Geometric Group Theory".
    Talk: Endomorphisms of hyperbolic groups
  • Mainz (Germany), June 16 – 19, 2005; 2nd Joint Meetring of AMS, DMV, ÖMG
    Two Talks:
    1) The conjugacy problem in free-by-hyperbolic groups
    2) On the generalized Whitehead problem for hyperbolic groups
  • Bendlewo (Poland), April 18 – 24, 2004, Conference on "Geometric group theory"
    Talk: Mean Dehn functions of groups
  • Sankt Petersburg (Russia), September 11 – 22, 2002,
    "International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the memory of Z.I. Borevich"
    Talk: An analogue of a theorem of Magnus for fundamental groups of surfaces
  • Sevilla (Spain), June 18 – 21, 2003, First Joint Meeting AMS/RSME
    Talk: An analogue of a Magnus' theorem for surface groups an some other one-relator groups
  • Ustron (Poland), June 10 – 14, 2003, International Conference "Groups and Group Rings"
  • Gaeta (Italy), June 1 – 6, 2003,
    International Conference "Geometric, Combinatorial and Dynamical Aspects of Infinite Groups"

d) Frühere Konferenzen

  • Cortona (Italy), 2002
  • Hattingen (Germany), 2001
  • Haifa (Israel), 2000
  • Warwick (England), 1999
  • Southampton (England), 1997
  • Anogia, Crete (Greece), 1996;
  • L’vov (Ukraine), 1987;
  • Gomel (Belorussia), 1986
  • Krasnoyarsk (Russia), August 23 – 28, 1993,
    "The IIIrd International Conference on Algebra"
    Plenary talk: Finitely generated groups with the M. Hall proper

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